Common questions about the SigParser platform
19 articles
I think someone hacked my mailbox. Can you delete my account?
I Invited a User but they Can't Join the Team.
My 2 factor email login code isn't being delivered
GDPR delete a contact from SigParser
What is the password policy?
What are the user authentication options?
Microsoft 365 - Archive folder emails not being mined?
Why am I seeing multiple contacts with the same email address?
I was invited to SigParser but didn't get the invite email
Why are some relationship fields on a contact not populated?
How can I find all the contacts or email addresses in an email folder or label?
Do you offer discounts for non-profit organizations?
What email providers are supported?
Where can I see my data?
How to exclude certain contacts from scanning?
Why did SigParser create a duplicate Contact with the same email address in my CRM?
What is included in Calendar meeting scanning?
How Long Does a Scan Take?
Can I update my SigParser account email?