Create a Virtual Machine
See the Virtual Machine Sizing Guide.
In Windows Explorer turn on the visibility of file extensions.
Download and Install
Download the latest version of the On Premise Email Mining Engine zip file from the file share.
Right click on the Zip file and click Extract to…
Select the location C:\sigparser
Click Next
Wait for the extract to finish
Go to c:\sigparser
Copy the appsettings-template - exchange.json file from C:\sigparser\EmailFetcher folder and paste it to C:\sigparser folder. Then rename the file to appsettings.json
Open the new appsettings.json file for editing. We’ll put all our configuration into this file. Then later we’ll copy this file to different locations for each of the apps.
In C:\sigparser create a text file named allow.txt
If you want to allow only specific domains to be mined then put each domain name on a different line.
If you want all domains to be mined then put an asterisk (*) only in the file.
In C:\sigparser create a file called deny.txt
On each line put any email domains SigParser shouldn’t process if all the people on an email have those domains. This should generally be your company domain names and maybe your HR company.
In Windows search for Environment Variables and add the following AWS environment variables
SigParserLicenseKey with the license key from SigParser
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = Access key with permission to write to Cloudwatch logs.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Access key secret for writing to Cloudwatch logs.
Rename the file c:\sigparser\EmailFetcher\log4net-template.config file to log4net.config
Open c:\sigparser\EmailFetcher\log4net.config
Change the LogGroup and Region setting to the value provided by SigParser IT
Save the file
Copy c:\sigparser\log4net.config to c:\sigparser\EmailFetcher\
Mailbox Setup
Setup a delegated mailbox. See this article.
Create the file c:/sigparser/mailboxes.txt
Add email mailbox to be monitored to this file.
Tip: We suggest setting up a schedule task which uses Powershell to look at a group and populates the mailboxes.txt file every couple hours.
Secret Store
If you use the secret store you can use these options.
Copy the C:\sigparser\EmailFetcher\secrets-template.json file and paste it to C:\sigparser folder. Then rename the file to secrets.json
Set the following entries:
ServerUrl - the server URL of the Exchange server
The URL often begins with “https://” and ends in “/ews/exchange.asmx”
EmailAddress - the delegated account’s email address. You'll set this up next but this is where it goes.
Password - the delegated account’s password
SigParserApiToken - Create an account at Generate an API token. See this article.
Here is an example secrets.json file:
{ "ServerUrl": "EXCHANGE_SERVER_URL/EWS/Exchange.asmx", "EmailAddress": "USERNAME", "Password": "PASSWORD", "SigParserApiToken": "GENERATE_THIS_KEY_AT_SIGPARSER.COM" }
Exchange Specific Configuration Options
These are the settings that either go in the appsettings.json file or environment variables.
ServerUrl - Secret - URL of the Exchange server. Example:
EmailAddress or UserName or ExchangeUsername - Secret - Email address of the impersonation mailbox or the mailbox that has access to the other mailboxes. Example: ExchangeUsername doesn't work via the secrets store.
Password or ExchangePassword - Secret - Password for the mailbox we're signing in as. ExchangePassword doesn't work via the Secrets store.
emailprovider - Setting - Should always be set to "Exchange"
exchange_use_impersonation - Setting - Is the mailbox using impersonation?
Next Steps: