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Microsoft 365 Setup On Premise Engine Setup
Microsoft 365 Setup On Premise Engine Setup
Updated this week

The below processes are designed to be deployed in an Azure or private cloud environment connecting to Microsoft 365. You'll setup a Mail Enabled Security group which the On Premise Engine will watch for new mailboxes being added or removed.

Estimated Time: 1 hour with help from SigParser team.

Warning: Do not try this without a SigParser support staff member on a call. It is easy to miss a step.

Setup Virtual Machine

Create a new virtual machine. The VM is where all the processing will be done.

Machine Specific Settings

  • Windows Operating System

  • Network Access

    • Outbound network access needed.

    • Inbound: Need RDP 3389 access

  • Backup: Enable backup

    • Backup policy: (new) DailyPolicy

  • Guest OS updates: OS-orchestrated patching: patches will be installed by OS

VM OS Configuration

  1. Login to the VM you just created

  2. Install Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

  3. In Windows Explorer turn on the visibility of file extensions.

  4. Download the SigParser On Premise Engine release zip file to the VM

    1. Right click on the Zip file and click “Extract to…”

    2. Select the location C:\sigparser

    3. Click Next

    4. Wait for the extract to finish

  5. Go to c:\sigparser\

  6. Copy the C:\sigparser\EmailFetcher\appsettings-template - office365.json file from folder and paste it to C:\sigparser folder.

    1. Then rename the file to appsettings.json

  7. Open the new appsettings.json file for editing. We’ll put all our configuration into this file. Then later we’ll copy this file to different locations for each of the apps.

  8. In C:\sigparser create a text file named allow.txt

    1. If you want to allow only specific domains to be mined then put each domain name on a different line.

    2. If you want all domains to be mined then put an asterisk (*) only in the file.

  9. In C:\sigparser create a file called deny.txt

    1. On each line put any email domains SigParser shouldn’t process if all the people on an email have those domains. This should generally be your company domain names and maybe your HR company.

  10. In Windows search for Environment Variables and add the following AWS environment variables

    1. SigParserLicenseKey with the license key from SigParser

    2. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = Access key with permission to write to Cloudwatch logs.

    3. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Access key secret for writing to Cloudwatch logs.

  11. Rename the file c:\sigparser\EmailFetcher\log4net-template.config file to log4net.config

    1. Open the file

    2. Change the region setting to the value provided by SigParser IT

    3. Save the file

Create a Microsoft 365 Security Group

  1. Go to Exchange Admin Console (

  2. Go to Recipients > Groups > Mail-enabled security

  3. Click Add a group

    1. In Group Type, select Mail-enabled security

    2. In Basics, set Name to SigParser

    3. In Settings,

      1. Set Group email address to sigparser@yourdomain

    4. In Review, review data and click Create Group

  4. Go to Recipients > Groups > and select the SigParser group

  5. Go to Members > View all and manage owners > +Add owners

  6. Select your group owner and click Add

  7. Get the Group ID from the URL browser bar

  8. Go to next step to add members to your security group

Add Members to Security Group

  1. Go to Exchange Admin Console (

  2. Go to Recipients > Groups > and select the SigParser group

  3. Go to Members > View all and manage owners > +Add members

  4. Add the members or groups who will be connected to SigParser

Register SigParser App in Microsoft Azure

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure portal (

  2. Go to App registrations > New Registration

  3. Enter the following info

    1. Name: SigParser Email Fetcher

    2. Supported account types: Single tenant option

    3. Redirect URI : Leave blank

  4. Click Register

  5. Add API Permissions

  6. Click on the API permissions section

  7. Give the app these Microsoft Graph as Application permissions

    1. Calender.Read : Yes

    2. Contacts.Read : Yes

    3. GroupMember.Read.All : Yes

    4. Mail.Read : Yes

    5. User.Read.All : Yes

  8. Grant Admin Consent

Create Access Policy

  1. Open Powershell

  2. Open powershell as administrator and paste this command to install the Exchange Online Manager

    1. Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

  3. Run this command next to enable Microsoft powershell scripts to run

    1. set-executionpolicy unrestricted

  4. Load the Exchange Online Management Tool with this command

    1. Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

  5. Connect to your Microsoft account

    1. Connect-ExchangeOnline

  6. Create a new access policy with SigParsers app id and a security group

    1. New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyScopeGroupId -AppId d323f806-e9e0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -AccessRight RestrictAccess -Description "Restrict SigParser's access"

    2. (Replace -PolicyScopeGroupId with the email of your security group)

  7. Test if SigParser can access restricted email address

    1. Test-ApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity -AppId d323f806-e9e0-4f23-a8e2-4ca821ffbbeb

    2. (Replace -Identity example@mail.comwith an email outside of SigParsers scope)

⚠️ If you have a multiregion setup or replication that only happens every 10 minutes or every hour then it can take some time before all these steps will work until the new group and members are sync'd.

Create secrets file

Create the following file: c:\sigparser\secrets.json

"SigParserApiToken": "your api key",
"Office365ClientSecret": "office 365 client secret for the app you created in Azure"

  • SigParserApiToken = Create an account at and generate an API key.

    • Someone from SigParser needs to configure the API feature on your account in the backend.

  • Office365ClientSecret - Use the secret you from the Azure portal for the application here.

Save the file.

Copy appsettings.json

Review the appsettings.json file one last time to make sure everything is set as desired.

Copy the appsettings.json file to the EmailFetcher folder.

Configure Scheduled Task

Configure the scheduled task to run the SigParser On Premise Engine on a schedule.

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