The secret values associated with app registrations in Microsoft Azure have expiration dates.
If your app registration secret for SigParser expires, SigParser will be unable to connect and process your organization's mailboxes until a new secret is created in Azure and updated in SigParser.
If you created an Office 365 Security Group Connection with SigParser, follow these steps to update your expired client secret value.
To Start
You must have admin access for Microsoft Azure and Exchange Admin to complete these tasks.
You must have access to your organization's SigParser account.
Update the Client Secret Value
Select the SigParser app
Select the link next to Client credentials
Select + New client secret
Add a description for your new client secret
Example: SigParser Mailboxes Secret Q2 2024
Add an expiration date
We suggest 12 - 24 months to ensure uninterrupted connection.
Select Add
Copy the newly created client secret VALUE (NOT SECRET ID)
Update the SigParser Connection
In your SigParser account, select Mailboxes
Select the mailbox connection
Select Reconnect
Enter one of the email addresses that is connected to SigParser in the section Enter a Member Email Address
Paste the Client Secret Value in the section Create and Enter SigParser App Client Secret
Scroll down and select Connect to Microsoft 365
If you have any questions, send us an email at You can also book a demo session HERE.