We ship a small web server you can run. We suggest this if not using Lambda. You just run the executable and it hosts a web server with an API. You’ll find this in the SigParserEmailUtilsWebAPI-{platform}.zip file.
Configure License Key
Environment Variable
Create an environment variable called SigParserLicenseKey and the value should be your license key.
Machine Locked
Download a .skm file from Cryptolens if you need a machine locked key. You can get your machine key from the Swagger page when you run the web application and visit the URL in your browser.
Start Web Server
Run the SigParserEmailUtilsWebAPI executable which will start the web server.
On Windows you’d run a command like
SigParserEmailUtilsWebAPI.exe --urls https://localhost:8080
On Linux you’d run a command like
SigParserEmailUtilsWebAPI --urls https://localhost:8080
Dockerfile example
There is a docker file included in the zip file. You can use this to generate a container. You might need to modify the file to fit your needs.
Swagger API Documentation
If you go to the site you’ll see a swagger page detailing the API. You’ll also see your machine key.
System Requirements
RAM: 3GB Minimum
CPU: 2 core minimum
If you expect to send emails in parallel to the web endpoint for processing we suggest 1GB per and 1 core per request.
For example, if you expect to need to handle 10 concurrent requests you need 10 cores and 10GB of RAM.
Configure Ports, HTTP, HTTPS settings
The easiest way to configure which port the web server listens on it so pass it via a command line argument via --urls or use the environment variable ASPNETCORE_URLS.
We use Kestrel ASP.NET Core web server. You can read more about configuring it.
Long Running Process on Windows
The easiest way to setup the webserver is to use the Task Scheduler to start the web server every time the server starts up.
In General configure the Security Options to “Run whether the user is logged on or not”
Create a Trigger to begin the task “At startup”
In Settings configure “If the task fails, restart every” and specify 1 or 2 minutes.