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HubSpot Connector
Updated over a week ago

Create Contacts

SigParser can automatically create contacts based on the existing sync rules.

Update Contacts

SigParser finds contact matches by email address in HubSpot.

SigParser will update the following fields. It will only fill in missing values or values it previously set.

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Phone Numbers

    • phone, mobilephone

    • Office Phone - SigParser will try to find a field with the label "Office Phone". If that exists, it will set the phone number.

  • Title

    • SigParser looks for a field named "title" or "jobtitle"

  • Twitter

    • Will set the Twitter handle for the user.

  • LinkedIn

    • Will set the LinkedIn URL in this field

    • hs_linkedinid = Will set the LinkedIn ID for the user in this field.

  • Address Fields

    • address, city, state, country, zip

    • SigParser will either set all of these or none of these.

    • SigParser treats these fields as a set for determining if it can edit them. For example, if city is blank but state isn't blank and wasn't set by SigParser, SigParser won't try to set City.

Custom Fields

These fields will be populated on contacts if you create them in HubSpot. You need to label the field exactly as specified. You probably want to uncheck "Show in Forms" checkbox when creating these fields.

  • SigParser Email Status

    • Sets the value of the field as it appears in SigParser. Will either be Invalid or Valid.

    • Field Type: Single Line Text

  • SigParser Email Bounced

    • The date SigParser detected that this email address bounced.

    • Field Type: Date picker

  • SigParser Last Contact

    • The date of the last time there was contact with the contact.

    • Field Type: Date picker

  • SigParser Mailboxes

  • SigParser Inbound Emails

    • Number of inbound emails this contact was on.

    • Field Type: Number

  • SigParser Outbound Emails

    • Number of email sent to this contact.

    • Field Type: Number

  • SigParser Meetings

    • Number of meetings the contact was on.

    • Field Type: Number

Here is an example of the first screen.


How can I filter in HubSpot for contacts from SigParser?

HubSpot has a default field called "Original source drill-down 2" which should be set to "SigParser" if the contact was created by SigParser in Hubspot. This is the easiest way to find those contacts.

Find contacts created by SigParser

In HubSpot the column Original source drill-down 2 contains a number which identifies SigParser's integration. Search for all contacts with the value 183175 which is the ID of the SigParser integration.

This is useful if you want to delete all the contacts created by SigParser.

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